Tag Archives: Anton Pannekoek


List of books I’ve ordered, but haven’t yet read :

Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy (Penguin Classics) : Interestingly enough, I’ve never read the whole book Das Kapital, merely excerpts, accompanied by the writings of some Marxists on economics. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the contradictions of Capitalism. It’s a very adroit publication, a masterpiece, and a must read for anyone who desires to be able to hold an intelligent and persuasive debate with those who believe in the Capitalist system.

 The Accumulation of Freedom : Writing on Anarchist Economics : The only crisis of capitalism is capitalism itself. Let’s toss credit default swaps, bailouts, environmental externalities and, while we’re at it, private ownership of production in the dustbin of history.The Accumulation of Freedom brings together economists, historians, theorists, and activists for a first-of-its-kind study of anarchist economics.

The Conquest of Bread : The author of said book is Peter Kropotkin. You can find some of his contributions to anarchist theory on my blog. He’s a renowned Anarchist philosopher, and in this book he speaks about Anarchist economics.

 Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics Of Anarchism and Syndicalism (Counter-Power Vol 1) : Black Flame is the first of two volumes that reexamine anarchism’s democratic class politics, its vision of a decentralized planned economy, and its impact on popular struggles in five continents over the last 150 years. From the nineteenth century to today’s anticapitalist movements, it traces anarchism’s lineage and contemporary relevance. It outlines anarchism’s insights into questions of race, gender, class, and imperialism, significantly reframing the work of previous historians on the subject, and critiquing Marxist approaches to those same questions.

Books I have purchased, and have read. 

Anarchism : Theory and Practice : In 1937, at the behest of Emma Goldman, Rudolf Rocker penned this political and philosophical masterpiece as an introduction to the ideals fueling the Spanish social revolution and resistance to capitalism the world over. Within, Rocker offers an introduction to anarchist ideas, a history of the international workers’ movement, and an outline of the syndicalist strategies and tactics embraced at the time (direct action, sabotage and the general strike). Includes a lengthy introduction by Nicholas Walter and a Preface by Noam Chomsky. I will provide excerpts, explanations, and a brief over-view of this book. That will, of-course, come once I receive the book back from a friend I’ve lent it to.

Workers’ Councils : This is a great read provided to us by Anton Pannekoek, who also has provided work to my blog. The book goes in-depth into the organization of  workers’ councils, a critique of the Bolshevik movement,  explains how each system of capitalism is different in Britain, America, France, and Germany. Also, he explains Imperialism in Japan. A great read for the theoretic’s of a non-state society, which is replaced by the workers’ councils.

Reform or Revolution and Other Writings : A great read and critique of Bernstein’s “Means of Adaptation”. The critique is a response to the “Means of Adaptation” rendering revisionist  Bernstein’s theory fallacious by the use of Dialectical Materialism and Marxist economics.

Feuerbach – The Roots of the Socialist Philosophy. Theses on Feuerbach : This work is a testimony with regard to the method employed by Marx and Engels in arriving at their philosophical conclusions. It is the statement of the philosophical foundations of modern socialism by one who helped to lay them; it is an old man’s account of the case upon the preparation of which he has spent his entire life, for, this work, short as it is, represents the results of forty years of toil and persevering effort. Included in the book is how Dialectical Materialism came to be. It should be noted this may be difficult for some readers.

I will write excerpts from Workers’ Councils, Anarchism — Theory & Practice, and Reform or Revolution. Albeit this will come in the following weeks — or month. The purpose for this to help those interested in the content inside these publications. Finally, I do recommend these books for all those who wish to grasp the organizational, economical, and scientific facts based upon Socialism. All of these books provide said qualities.

– Revolutionary Anarchist